Tos con flema verde: causas y tratamientoDoctor, I have to have a green ingma, do I need an antibiotic? Mucous secretions are a mechanism of habitual defense of the organism. They are characteristic of all the hollow organs, as they serve lubrication to the walls of, for example, the digestive tract or the bronchial tree. In addition, they serve as an obstacle to the passage of foreign substances. Specifically in the airways, secretions are fundamental to avoiding the passage of strange tactics to the lower areas. These secretions fulfill their function, but they should not accumulate in bronchus or bronchial. Therefore, they are regularly expelled thanks to the mechanism of the cylios of the epithelial cells, among others. But the patient can act depending on the color of the flem. If you have cough with green flem, the questions intensify in the consultation. Respiratory infection: Common consultation in Primary CareWhen an inflammation of the airways occurs, either by infection or by direct damage of irritating agents, the amount of secretions is increased and the expulsion to the outside is more evident for the patient. The most common cause of expectoration is the infection of the low respiratory tract. Nearly 20% of primary care consultations have to do with a respiratory infection. Most of these infections are self-limited and not checking gravity in general. When there is expectation, it is most likely that it is an infection of the lower respiratory tract. It ranges from chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, and COPD regurgitations. PneumoniaIn pneumonias the causal agent is usually bacterial, so it requires the use of antibiotics. It also occurs in the COPD's revivals due to the special condition of the patient. Acute bronchitis 90% of acute bronchitis are of viral origin, so indiscriminate use of antibiotics is not recommended. On the contrary. The use of these drugs may pose a higher risk of side effects, partly, of course, an increase in the cost of treatment. On the other hand, the problem of resistance to antibiotics is becoming more worrying. There are already numerous deaths worldwide due to antibiotic-resistant infections. Research on new antimicrobial molecules is scarce, so it is not expected, shortly, that we have new antibiotics. As this situation seems to be more sensible to reserve those available today for the pathologies in which they are actually effective. Bronchitis Acute bronchitis is a self-limited pathology, which is usually resolved in about 3 or 4 weeks. The incidence is 4.4% of cases per year. It is more common in women than in men and in cold times. Typical symptoms are cough, bronchoscopy, general symptoms ( fever, discomfort) and expectoration. Sputum is usually yellow or greenish. The cough with green flem does not indicate that the infection is viral or bacterial. What indicates, simply, is that there is an infection, without giving any clue to the type of causal agent. Sputum coloringOther sputum colorings can give a clue about the nature of the pathology and differential diagnosis. Sputums or flems can present the following colors: And cough with green flem? It indicates that there is an infection and that the immune system is acting. Green mucosity does not indicate need for antibiotic since it does not imply that the infection is bacterial. Most sinusitis, tonsilitis and bronchitis are of viral origin and it is very common that in these, especially in bronchitis, green expectoration. Therefore, cough with green flem does not imply, at all, the need for antibiotic. And it is that it is very often given in pathologies of viral origin such as chronic bronchitis or high respiratory tracts. Treatment of viral respiratory tract infections Viral respiratory infections are usually treated symptomatically, controlling fever and discomfort. When the cough is productive, the anti-tusigens are not indicated, because the cough is in this case a defense mechanism that aims to eliminate the accumulated mucosity. Mucolytic and bronchodilators can be used when bronchoscopy exists. Other treatments of natural origin First active principles of natural origin can be useful. In this case we can talk about the dry extract of (hiedra). The active principles of the helix hedera are mainly found in its leaves and are, chemically speaking, of the group of saponins. In particular, three different saponins can be extracted: hederagenin, α-hederin and hederacoside C. Of these three active principles, the main responsible for actions in the bronchial tree, is α-hederin. Hederagenin does not act on lung physiology and hederacoside C lacks direct activity on the bronchus. However, it is important because it acts as a precursor of α-hederin. More about α-hederin The pharmacological action of α-hederin has to do with its action on adrenergic β receptors. These receptors have as ligand to the noradrenaline. When joining receiver and ligand, the AMPc track is activated. This produces the flow of the bronchial smooth body, which carries a bronchodilant effect. In addition, the activation of adrenergic β receptors increases the production of surfactant by bronchial mucosa, which favors the fluidification of secretions. After the receptor-lighting interaction, the complex is inactive and an internalization of the receptor occurs. It has been shown that the administration of α-hederin inhibits the process of internalization. This leads to the presence in bronchial epithelium of a greater number of activated adrenergic β2 receptors. Therefore, the pharmacological action of the helix hedera, thanks to its interaction with the adrenergic β2 repctors, is double: The decrease in the density and viscosity of the mucus, as well as the spasmolytic effect in the bronchus, allows to control the symptom of the cough when the patient presents as productive. Based on these properties of the ivy, it was established that its use is indicated in respiratory conditions that cursed with productive ass. Related Articles The Hedera helix or the Common Hiedra presents an expectorant and fluidifying effect of the... The mucolytic will try to decrease the viscosity of the mucous, understood more liquid. And therefore...40 answers to "Doctor, I have a green flem, do I need antibiotic?" MARIA JOSÉ CORDERO PÉREZI did not know the bronchodilator effect of the ivy or the mechanism of action and therefore there was no recommendation as antitusive. Thank you for the article, what he wrote will be very useful this winterYolandaThank you Maria José for his commentMarcos I have been living sick for years by an exaggerated production of liquid Espeso in my throat that helps me by telling me that I have Laura Hola. We recommend that you come to your doctor so you can make a diagnosis. GreetingsSarah Reyes If a nasopharyngeal culture has not been performed with antibiogram, of course having a minimum of 10 days without antibiotic, to know if you have any added pathogen and that antibiotic would be sensitive, if there is no pathogen is allergic rhinitis that is evolving or already made a Chronic Sinusitis and will have to give a noble but wide-spectrum antibiotic scheme, in addition to a muticoesthematic nasal decongestibo. Thank you very much. Nayla has a cold with a lot of green mucus with blood threads headache and cough, and Laura Hi. You should go to your doctor to make the right diagnosis and recommend the most appropriate treatment. Thank you for contacting us. Greetings,Luis Peñailillo I have green flem, I can take levofloxacino, very interesting its column. LauraHello Luis, The prescription of an antibiotic should always be made by a doctor. We recommend that you consult with your doctor for the most appropriate treatment. If your doctor prescribes antibiotic, remember that it is convenient to take a probiotic that protects your intestinal microbiota. Thank you for contacting us Maria Guadalupe of the cross Hernandez I have green flem but I don't have at batallo temperature to breathe that I can already take 2 boxes of levofloxacino of 500mg. 5 gentamicins affected and 12 internal ceftriaxons. What I can do. This could be roasted a pneumonia if I don't hear any sibido in my chest and aunt flem comes green. That I could be LauraHello, We recommend that you come to your family doctor to make a proper evaluation and help you. In addition, they would be available if they have coronavirus. Unfortunately, we can't help her from here. Thank you for contacting us. EvelinHello I have green mucus and flem I already have about 2 months with this they have given me antibiotic treatments but not better that I can be and x that motif I am not removed Laura Hi. Unfortunately, we can't help her from here. It is recommended that you go to your doctor. Thank you for contacting us. Gabriel Hello my mother got a pacemaker now gave her flu and coughing took a torax test and saw that she has two white spots in her lungs but before that I also saw her that she had water in the discoveries and now given that it is the covid 19Laura Hello Gabriel, We wish you an early improvement for your mother. Very cheerful. Carlos Mario Hernández Reyes I have 3 months with something stuck in the throat, that makes me exhaling at every time and the only thing that sells is transparent flem between times when exhaló is heard in my chest as help, I don't know that it is already I had treatment for gastritis I already injected 3 times bencipenicilina was taking honey with garlic onion and lemon can be mecalcio and no meography say Mario, In order to establish a diagnosis of what happens to you, you need a thorough examination by your doctor and, if you find it necessary, ask for additional tests such as chest x-ray, spirometry or endoscopy. If you have come to your doctor and have failed to get to this diagnosis, you should insist. Thank you for contacting us. Gloria Two months ago I'm cold. I have flems and green mugs, I don't have a fever, what can it be? LauraHello Gloria, Given the current pandemic situation, we recommend that you go to your doctor to evaluate your specific case and to perform an appropriate diagnosis. Thank you for contacting us. Marino Lozano RíosVery, but very interesting all this information, can, however, expand the information when the cough with green expectoration originates from COPD and is recommended as treatment? Thank you very much. LauraHello Marino, COPD is a chronic, important disease that requires close medical follow-up. The cough with green expectoration in these cases usually requires the treatment with antibiotics and on many occasions after a sputum crop. Thank you for your comment and for contacting us. Piter contreras Hi, it's normal that when I do gargars I expuse green flems. There are days that give me dry toz. And I have more than three months with these symptoms. LauraHello Piter, Expelling green flems is not normal. It may indicate the existence of a pathology to be diagnosed. Go to your doctor so you can assess your case. Thank you for contacting us. Patricia My son has three months with green flems and no other symptoms. I have given you, honey and onion syrup, grapefruit seed extract, pharmacy syrup, prescribed cefrexone injections, propoleo, and now I am giving chlorine dioxide (MMS) and I see no change. I started a month ago with that green ingma equal symptoms. What do you recommend? LauraHello Patricia, We recommend that you go to your doctor to evaluate the symptoms and evolution of the picture, since before taking any product you should perform a thorough medical examination and a correct diagnosis. From our lab we cannot recommend any products, it must be your doctor who does. Thank you for contacting us. Betty grandson A question my 10-year-old daughter always has cough with greenish yellow flem that I can give to Laura Hello Betty, In order to establish a treatment, a diagnosis must first be made. We recommend that you go to your doctor so that you can establish the cause of those symptoms that you refer to. Once the diagnosis is made, the doctor will tell you the most appropriate treatment. Thank you for contacting us. Guadalupe Rostro Espinoza Hello starts with a cold only body pain did not have fever I went to the doctor but then gave me cough at the beginning was cough with white flem afterwards was yellow and now it's green Laura Hello Guadalupe, We recommend that you consult your family doctor so that you can guide and evaluate your case in particular. Thank you for contacting us. Angélica Castro Hello, a few months ago that he's been having the strange symptom, almost every day I feel something between my throat and my nostrils that when I expel him is a type of green mucosity but of a somewhat harsh consistency as if I had a tormented rice, it usually happens to me like two or three times a day and I don't know why, that's bad? Before I did not suffer from that and a few months ago I have it, I do not know if it will be for the change of Country because it exists in Peru and now I am in Spain (Madrid) is it normal that I have this symptom? What do I recommend? Laura Hello Angelica, We recommend that you consult your family doctor so that you can guide and evaluate your case in particular. Thank you for contacting us. JoseA all recommend going to the doctor? Can't you guide them? Better... LauraHello José, This is a healthy habit disclosure blog. Although the articles are written by health professionals, it would not be ethical or professional to diagnose or recommend a treatment without being able to evaluate the patient in a presence. That is why we believe that the assessment in consultation by a doctor, in many cases, is the most correct. Other questions about pathology in general or some particular component could be answered. Thank you so much for your comment and we hope the blog will be of your interest. Carlos, 3 years ago I had a strong hemoptisis and because of that they detected me tuberculosis but I managed to treat myself in 6 months and particularly felt good and I have a normal life the point is that now because of the pandemic I have not been able to go to the doctor, well at the root of tuberculosis has I realized that when I spit rarely do green puntitos like particles and the truth that makes blood again will be that I have tuberculosis? I've already gone to the pneumologue and I've got my rain and it's okay, so what could it be? LauraHello Carlos, The appearance in the sputum of green dots or blood remains should be investigated, as it may be due to an infection. Although it is now more difficult to access health services, it should do so, as it is convenient to make a sputum cultivation as well as an exploration. Contact your family doctor who may guide you. Thank you for contacting us. lilianami father suffers from epoc years ago he currently has a flu not so strong but without fever or sore throat only has a productive cough but the drip more is by the nose inform me what is recommended to give him currently for the pandemic is difficult the health services LauraHello Liliana, A patient with COPD, with productive cough and a current respiratory infection, should be explored and valued by a doctor. Although access to health services is not as direct as in the past, it is justified in this case to contact your doctor so that you can establish appropriate treatment. Thank you for contacting us Violeta. Hello good days, my query or question is the following: There are days that I love with a snoring in the bronchus and cough I achieve to spectorate green flem of eco and state observing that I have already about three months like this but it is not all the days, I work on the beach and at night there is a lot of humidity will have something to do with my discomfort ? Thank you for your answer. LauraHello Violeta, It is true that moisture can aggravate respiratory diseases but it is not the cause of them. If for about 3 months you have been suffering ace, abnormal noises in the breathing and green expectoration, we recommend that you go to your doctor so you can make a full evaluation of your symptoms and assess the possibility of establishing an appropriate treatment. Thank you for contacting us. Leave a comment Your email address will not be published. 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Home remedies for cough with flem? Apr 29, 2019The cough occurs in response to the presence of aggressive agents, such as bacteria, viruses, dust tactics, humor or chemicals. These cause irritation of the airway, with subsequent appearance of flem as a response in defense of the respiratory system to be treated. Depending on the causes, this does not always respond to handling with home measurements. When you have cough with flem, your bronchus is alerting you that your airway is defending. The phlegm will act as a vehicle for expelling that foreign agent through cough. If your cough has flem, you should not wait to take the measures to drive it out and avoid complications. Table of Contents White, yellow or green... What color is your flem? Care to consider If your cough with flem persists or is accompanied by other symptoms, you should consult your doctor. If you want more information about hiedra-based jarabs, visit the page If you have any questions about it, no kind of contact us.

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